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#TodaysTarot spread has 2 people in it! The empress, she looks towards the future. The Hanged Man, he is upside down. So, shall we cartwheel into the future? I think so. This spread reminds us to plan self care as we plan to take over the world. Its unkind to our temple of a body to schedule 20 hours of awake time per day! We need a sufficient amount of time and resources to rest and recreate. So, as you plan to challenge yourself so that you can bring your actualization into fruition, be sure to do so with YOUR care in mind. Set yourself up for success with planned rewards for sticking to your plan and planned rest time that allows you to drop all of your roles and sit in appreciation of the journey you have survived so far. It's important!

The Hanged Man here says: Challenge EVERY belief you have developed so far in this lifetime! And that means EVERY one. If you are able to suspend your negative self judgement patterns for a few moments, there is an exercise to help give you a nudge.

List all the things you identify as. IE- Uncle, Brother, Father, Sargent, Choir Member, Armenian, Aging well, Healthy, Relevant, Tolerant, Peaceful... and then challenge EACH one. Are you Tolerant? What does that mean to you? Are you that?

LMK what you find. This is a fun spread today!

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