#TodaysTarot VI Emperor and XIII Death. Today, Lets look at These 2 cards individually and then together. First I notice the vast contrast in the colors...although upon inspection they both have an emphasis on YELLOW. The Emperor takes Yellow to a passionate, hot feeling. Regal and looking to the past with a little bit of concern. If you look very closely you will see there is actually a sun ray that runs from the top right corner of the Emperor card. That makes me think of divine guidance. What is he holding? It looks really important with that golden cross on top of it. ***He says today is about Leading with Structure. Let that structure affect all levels of your being. Be more discipline than you have learned to be this lifetime. What do those 2 rams mean to you. One in the light and One in the dark? Balance all Passion, whether its from your light or from our Shadow?! See the 2 disks on the card at his either side of his hip? One is Light and one is in the Shadow? Disks mean MONEY! What does this saying about Money? Even more symbolism in this card. #Tarot #SOULdiers