Bad relationships= this ish Here!
So, since each killed they each other, did they both 'Win'? (Whitney /Bobby)
King cobra bites python. Python constricts cobra. Cobra dies of constriction. Python dies from venom.

This is The Death Card. The first thing I notice is the rib-cage in the middle of this card. It says painful exposure to me. Think about injuries…when bone is exposed (except teef) a painful change is occurring. (I.E. Broken Legs.). then I see the crown on his head. This says the painful change is generational/birthright like Royalty. The snake that encircles the fish also speaks to Change. The ‘bubbles’ just above the sickle, each is a WOMB! This painful change will break at least 6 yolks and cause at least 6 new directions/Births! It can affect the next 6 generations. What else do you notice? The bird above his head? The akimbo orientation of his limbs? Do you see the scorpion? #Tarot #SOULdiers