6+13+2018=2037=12 And 1+2=3 Chill out and Take care
Hanged Man + The Empress

The Hanged Man advises to wait. Put your feet up and chill. Let go and allow the Universe to sort things out.
Because this card can also symbolize sacrifice, it may be advising you to do just that: make a sacrifice. Take one for the team.
Surrender to the situation. Stop struggling. Give up and trust that things will work out as need be.
Depending on the context of the question, this card can also say: hang in there. Just a little bit longer….
One of my favorite interpretations involves yoga! In yoga, it is believed that inversions shake things up and give you a new perspective. This card can be advising just that: take a different look at the situation. If you don’t like the way it looks, look at it differently.
The Hanged Man can represent a test of faith – if you feel as if your faith is indeed being tested, this card says: have faith!
The Empress favors a nurturing approach to the situation. Whether you are being called to tend to a person or child, a project, or
even yourself, this is the time for a little TLC (tender loving care). Be gentle and loving – assume the role of the caretaker. Take care of everyone’s needs as best as you can. Focus on building security for all. Be motherly.
This card also symbolizes motherhood – if you are asking a question about parenting, you’ll want to adapt the Empress’ loving and protective nature.
If you are asking about conceiving a child, this is a sign that the timing is ripe – go ahead with your plans.
The Empress is also associated with creativity – how can you best express yourself? Seek to express your creativity, ideas or thoughts without reservations. Don’t hold back – be open. If you are asking about starting a creative project, this is a green light.
This is also the card of feminine leadership, which means a situation may need a softer approach to reach the goal. We don’t always have to go warlord – sometimes matriarch is a better route to achieving a goal.