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Today's Tarot Advice - Direct your will, Develop your skill

What steps am I willing to take to reach my goal? What skills do I need to develop? What does it mean to be powerful?

You have all the tools right under your nose to manifest your goals. It’s all just a matter of focus. Direct your will and don’t give up until the goal is reached. The power is yours for the taking. Magic is at your fingertips!

Although the Magician is attributed to skill or talent, it may also be a nudge to continue to work on developing your skills. If you are attempting to master a talent, you must stay on it. Expand your skills through consistent practice.

This can also be a reminder to stand in your power. Assert your will. Be bold in your actions!

Ultimately, the Magician is about creating magic in your life – whether that be through your willpower, courage, or skill. You have the capacity to create whatever you want – believe in your self.

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